Twenty. Six. Days. ...I'm trying not to associate that with "fresh. creamery.butter," but I'm having a hard time. "Is there anything more comforting? I say there is. And perhaps you'll agree when you sample New Farmer's bounty with the genuine essence of..." OKAY--I'm done. Movie quotes are an irrepressible tick with me.
So, what have I been up to? Well, for one, I'm losing track of the number of times I've been asked if I'm all packed. Everyone and their dog seems to think I should be packed by now. A clue? No. I still have 26 days left. That's right--I only have 26 days left. Aha. Kind of a glass is half empty sort of thing... I still have... I only have... But NO, I'm not packed. I think I have everything but:
1 non-drowsy Dramamine (charter buses make me violently ill)
2 Hand Sanitizer (it's required)
3 Board Shorts (because apparently we swim a LOT)
4 More Chapstick. Mmm, Natural Ice. Good stuff.
5 Dryer Sheets
6 Make-up replacements (since I can't get any over there)
7 Power Converters (no, not the kind you'd pick up from Toshi station...)
8 Typhoid Shot (*sigh* I guess it's better than the alternative)
Other than that I'm in good shape. (Hey cool! Even that was a movie quote! ...bet you can't guess what it's from... tee hee tee hee.) I have all of my clothes... I think. And... da da da DA! I bought my Camelbak yesterday! (see picture above--it's exactly the one I bought.) It's called the "day star," made to fit a woman specifically. Not only that, it was 25% off! Whoo! Mama and I were very pleased with my purchase. I also got a perfect sweater from Gap. 3/4 sleeves, cable knit, lapis, 96% cotton... oh yeah, it's all comin together. (another movie quote! Aha!)I've got my hat. I've got my hiking shoes. I'm set. If I could only train myself to sleep early and rise early, I'd be perfect.
But I haven't been packing. As to what I've been doing... I've been reading three books I wasn't interested in.
TWILIGHT, NEW MOON, and ECLIPSE, by Stephenie Meyer. After observing the myriads of girls wandering about campus clutching the darn things I still refused to read them. They're about vampires and werewolves, for Pete's sake. I've already done my creatures-from-the-underworld time; I'm embarrassed to admit that I watched Buffy and Angel all through High School and Junior High. I can't believe my parents let me get away with that... but I did. I now realize how DUMB it was. That's why I was hesitant to read a young-adult vampire romance trilogy. "Ick!" Said I. Ohhhhh, was I wrong about that. Trust me on this: if you're female, just give in and read the things. You won't regret it.

I read a couple paragraphs of the first one, skimming through it... and decided that I liked it. I bought it that day... and I finished all 550 pages that day. The day after that I finished the 600 page sequel, and then waited in the midnight line to buy the third... which I read the day after that. All 629 pages. Nearly 2000 pages in three days and what did I get out of it? Blissful imaginings, that's what. I adore Edward Cullen. My only regret is that the fourth and last installment of the series doesn't come out for more than a year! :( (I guess I'll just have to look forward to FIRE STUDY, by Maria Snyder. Mmm Mmm, it's gonna be good, and it comes out in March. )
If anyone else would like to recommend some spur of the moment good reads, please respond. Other than that... Bahn Voyahgee!
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