On a different note--I hate to mention this... in case my mother and sisters in law begin to panic. DO NOT FRET--I proclaim. Remember I'm supposed to go fall? Remember that the church and BYU won't ever take us anywhere dangerous? I'LL BE FINE. That being said... last friday there was a shooting. Reporting live from the Jerusalem Center website:
August 10, 2007
Around 11:00 AM Jerusalem time there was a shooting in the Old City of Jerusalem. One person was killed and 11 injured. The shooting occurred when a man, believed to be Palestinian, wrestled a gun of a yeshiva (Jewish religious school) security guard and shot him. The security guard's partner ran after the assailant shooting at him, killing him but injuring about ten people. The Police raised the security alert level in Jerusalem and ahead of the Muslim Friday prayers.
At the Jerusalem Center the following actions were taken:
* East Jerusalem and the Old City have been closed to student visits until at least Saturday. (East Jerusalem and the Old City are usually off limits on Friday's until about 3 pm after the Friday Muslim prayers.)
* The lower access gate has been closed and all student must leave the building by through the upper entrance.
* Students travel outside of the Center is limited to destinations authorized by Center Security, must be in cabs, and must be in groups that check in and out with Security as a group.
* A security assessment will be conducted to determine if and when East Jerusalem and the Old City will be reopened to student visits.
Yes, I know that the security guard injured ten people in pursuit of the assailant, but--he killed him. Not just incapacitated him, mind. Killed him dead. That means there's one less psychopath running around the old city. That's good, right? (Probably.) Least we all know why the crime rate is so much lower in Israel than say... Jordan. You try anything stupid and then try to run away, you'll be killed. That's very reassuring. All we American students have to do is avoid doing stupid things as well as any suspicious action.
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