I hate summer. Why? The #1 reason--it's sweltering. After that there are a number of other reasons. It's too bright. My house has no air conditioning. No sweaters, long pants, coats, jackets, boots, or ANYTHING that I like to wear is...well, wearable. Everyone likes to make bare, and that's deplorable for me in summer because every summer I gain weight. (I LOSE weight during fall and winter... which is backwards for most people, but I think it's because I move more when I'm not suffering from heat stroke. ...and believe me when I say I am sensitive to heat. I'm a right little Eskimo; I never get cold. But hot? Oh, man! Florida would be torture.)
I also hate summer because everything turns brown; lawns have to be manually watered and it's a real pain. I also don't like the smell of the air (unlike Fall and Winter that have lovely brisk scents). Further reasons that I hate summer: BUGS. BEES. ANTS. MOSQUITOES. And, most annoying: CRICKETS--the infernal noise that disturbs my slumber. Nighttime really bites in the summer. I don't sleep very well, and there's only one good constellation out--one! Not to mention that the light remains so long it really cuts into star-gazing time.
There are very few good things about summer. Blackberries and raspberries, the fourth of July, Dragonflies, new movies, vacations, fantastic sunsets, and picnics. Those are the only positive I can think of at the moment.
As summer draws to a close, I will mention the things that this year have made my summer.
Full Moon Midnight Rides on the Sundance Ski-Lift
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
Twilight, New Moon, and Eclipse
Stargate SG-1 (I think I made it through 3 seasons worth)
Finally paying off all of the Jerusalem fees
Blackberry Pie
The Movie "Stardust"... my new #1 favorite
Seeing off a good friend of mine--she's on a mission now
Midnight showings of Harry Potter #5
Spending time with Family visiting from out of state
The Israeli Folk Dance Team in SLC that I got to see
I got a telescope for cheap
My Birthday that I spent in SLC! WHOO!
A new friend
Driving through the Canyon
Meeting with the Ludlow's... my new teachers
Speaking in Church
Yeah. That's pretty much it. Most of my summer has been spent in prep for Fall. Had it not been for several brilliant shimmering moments of delight, it would have been unbearable. I am so very grateful that my summer has turned out as well as it has.
...but even more grateful that summer will only last 18 more days.
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