This is me at Karnak. (Note the Arab man in the background...they snuck into every picture, I swear!)

The colossi of Memnon-- I remember reading about these things in my Childcraft encyclopedia when I was nine. I never thought I'd see them for myself, that's for sure.

This was the Oasis Hotel's lobby--the nice place in Cairo.

Here I'm standing at the entrance to King Tut's tomb. Ryan Haynie is in the background looking a little dazed.
I love this picture. lots of people took pictures like this, but I think mine looks especially nice. My friend Jessica in Zurich saw this and said, "I always knew you were into older men." Hahaha.
The funerary temple of Rameses III, note that I'm still wearing my headphones and passport carrier.... I'd forgotten to take it off for the picture. Ooops. I really liked this place.
This was taken in the wee small hours of the morning atop Sinai.
I know I'm making a weird face in this picture, but the angle was really cool (thanks to Greg, who took the photo,) so I posted it anyway.
A single shot of Sinai during the sunrise. The mountains in their various shades I think stand out nicely.

My nonchalant stance when standing on the third stack of stones from the Great Pyramid @ Giza. (" I went to Egypt and I appear to be exotic.")
That's all for now.
"Unfortunately, this wire is already too expensive. Sincerely, Rolf."
1 comment:
Thanks for the photos looking forward to seeing you soon.
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