I returned to my blessed country, the lovely United States of America, on the 21st of December. I was home by 1:00 pm, and by 2:30 pm, I was at a job interview. At seven thirty in the morning on the 22nd of December I started a 12 hour-per-day job that I'll have for the holiday break. That's right everyone, I am a student with no cash! And yet somehow I'm expected to pay for tuition and books. Hence, I'm killing myself with a crazy psycho killer job.
The only reason I mention this is because it will explain my recent non-postage. BUT, I am happy to announce that during Winter Semester, I will be working an hour a day on THE INCREDIBLE ADVENTURES OF RACHEL ABROAD, due to air on January 8th. Tune in then for the untold stories of my exploits! Including such things as, "My week in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan," "I Saw Masada," "Tour Busses and More," "Armageddon Exposure," "The Dead Sea Tastes Like ______," "Galilee Bonfire," and, "Bethlehem Reflection."
Don't forget to come back for these snippets, folks. They are the best yet, I promise you!
Happy New Year,
P.S. This is the group picture of all the students, faculty, and staff from the Jerusalem Center Fall 07.
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