This picture was taken at temple ruins just inside the city of Amman, Jordan. The pillars are huge, as you can see. They dwarf me.
The second picture is of Me, Lauren Timmins, and Kerri Regher modeling our "HEBREW U" sweatshirts. Five people at the JC bought the same type and style--one in black, one in brown, and us three hotties who snagged the red (shown above). Quite by coincidence we all happened to wear them on the same day--no, it was not planned. We were all shopping with different groups that day and our three groups collided near the crepe-maker-stand (ohhh, the crepes are to die for, I wish I had five shekels right now and a way of teleporting myself to that stand.....drool). Anyway, we ran into each other, noticed that we were matching, and posed for the picture. "And thus we see," that good taste is common among friends.
Lauren and Kerri are great. Lauren played the piano for me for the JCenter's talent show and would chat late with me about boys and all sorts of stuff. She's in the Marriott business school @ BYU--isn't she spiffy? And Kerri is the life's blood of the party. She is loud and always in a good mood. She's infectiously funny. In fact-- she coined a phrase that everyone ended up using at least once fall semester: "that is all." She would tell a long story or explain a homework assignment and then instead of saying "the end" or just changing the subject she'd announce with finality, "that is all." Sort of like Porky the Pig saying "that's all folks," only Kerri is way cooler than Porky the Pig. Kerri also founded the sarcasm game, Jerusalem style, in which you say (every time) I'M CLEAN, I SMELL GOOD, AND ________ then you fill in the blank. It was the sarcasm game because due to the nature and location of our field trips we were often neither clean, pleasant smelling, or whatever. A good example of the sarcasm game, in Kerri's own words:
Hmm let see I am clean, Smell good and I wear a red hooded sweat shirt. No I am clean, I smell good, and I love to dance in the rain...well I think I got it. But Jared and I could go on for hours now making them up. Yep we really have no life!!
Let me get this straight-- either you like to DON'T dance in the rain, or you were confused that it's part of the sarcasm game... seriously Bek, how can you not like dancing in the rain?
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