Monday, September 17

Jerusalem Quartet

There are concerts here on Sunday nights and Students are allowed to take any extra seats. This Sunday there were extra seats. My violinist sisters Melissa and Alicia would have died. The concert featured the "Jerusalem Quartet," a group of four Russian Master Musicians. Two violin, one viola, one cello. TO. DIE. FOR. They played [Quartettsatz, String Quartet in C minor, D. 703, by F. Schubert] and [Four movements of String Quartet No. 2 in A minor, op. 51 No 2. by J. Brahms.] Then for the encore they played Brahms again.

Perfect unity, brilliant flashing dynamics, sudden changes of tempo--oh! Deep, rich color! Smooth and creamy as melted butterscotch candy, and as upbeat as a leaping cricket. AMAZING. and I got the entire hour performance for FREE, all the while sitting in a glorious auditorium with a bunch of Israeli's, (There were a few guys dressed up like Jethro-- it was funny... there were also a few that were dressed like Prince Faisal. Ah well. It was incredible...) staring out the window at night-time Jerusalem with Dome of the Rock glowing back at me. I am the luckiest girl in the world. ...and the violist was kinda cute. Hahahahaha. In an old, Russian sort of way. ;)

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