Saturday, October 6


...the seven part saga of my experience in Egypt (with pictures!) followed by the back-logged stories of two field trips and the two-day field trip I leave on tomorrow in the Galilee.

Oh yeah--and the story of the original flight to the Holy Land... clear back at the beginning of September...that my mother jovially reminds me that I have not yet written. So sorry that I haven't otherwise written in a long time. I am trying to catch up, I promise.

One last word-- pray for my email. I say this because there were many screw ups in the administration areas of my BYU account lately, and then they were fixed. Just in time for me to not be able to log in at all. So I can't get any of the emails that I have been getting, and I get no news. #@%^$&#. I mean... uh.... grumble grimace... whine. Yeah, that's what I said. Ah huh.

Also, pray that I'll get rest. Not sleep--REST. There's a difference. And I need rest. Badly.

....okay, for those who've been trying to reach me, go through your sent files and forward the letter's you've already written and forward them to EMPRESSJADIS_OF_SNOW@HOTMAIL.COM and if anyone makes fun of my junk-email adress I will flail you! There will be much smiting and persecutions at my hands to those who mock me! (okay, maybe not, but I figure the false intimidation might at least grant you a few chuckles.)

P.P.S. If I don't know who you are and you try to send an email to my hotmail account, I won't open it... unless you write something clever in the subject line like "I read your blog, and promise only nice things are written in this email," or "I'm praying that your regular email gets back online" etc. Or something else that's clever. Use your imaginations. To my family-- please write me, and I'll write you back. And hey, Heather-- if you could invite me to a Google account I'll totally take it. That way I won't need my stupid BYU office account, I can still keep in touch with everybody, and we'll all be happy. Yay. There will be much rejoicing.


Joni said...

Rachel! Darling!! How I have missed your posts! I'm excited to hear all about your adventures in Egypt (please tell me you quoted the mummy! I told you to!). I'm here because it's late and you'll get a real email later-but let me tell you. Season 2 episode 1 of Robin Hood?!


Yes. It was amazing. Lots of love. Lots and lots of love.

(But not as much as my love for you of course. And that is saying something).

Heather said...

Hi! Yep, it was snowing at Sundance, but just that day. It melted really quick. It was cool though! Miss ya!